Vessel Chartering Services | Global Providence Nigeria Limited
Provision of Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels (AHTS/AHT)
Anchor Handling Tug Supply Vessels, AHTS performs anchor handling role, towing role, and supply role like the Platform Supply Vessels, PSVs.
They are classified in terms of Bollard Pull, which is the measure of the average pulling force of the tug at zero speed for a certain period of time.
The installed winch and work wire enable the vessel to run anchors for semi-submersible drill rigs, pipe laying barges, accommodation barges, FSOs, FPSOs, as well as to tow rigs, barges, and tankers during export operations.
The deck space and the below deck storage space can also perform supply functions.

Provision of Platform Supply Vessels
The Platform Supply Vessels (PSV) are the workhorses in the offshore oil and gas, and renewables industry, and they are used to transport supplies to and from offshore installations.
For a PSV, the deck space ranges from 450 m2(small), to 750 m2 (medium) and to above 1000m2 (large).
PSVs can carry containers, equipment, and pipes on the deck, while the vessels can transport fluids like mud & brine, blocks of cement or other dry bulk, water, and fuel under the deck component of the vessel.
Contact us for any size of PSV you may require for your project.

Provision of Accommodation/Work Barges
Sometimes referred to as Floatel, Accommodation/Work Barges are vessels are designed to accommodate work personnel and crew with a degree of comfort and safety expected in a Hotel.
Due to their large deck space, they are often equipped for pipelaying, derrick work, and other related duties. The accommodation capacity of a typical accommodation barge varies from 70 to 500.
Contact us for any size of Accommodation/Work Barges you may require for your project.

Provision of Azimuth Stern Drive ASD Tugs
Azimuth Stern Drive (ASD) is a propulsion system for high maneuverability.
ASD Tug length can vary from 20m to 32m with BP ranging from 30t BP to 85t BP.
ASD Tugs are designed for push-pull, harbour assisting, escort towing operations, fire-fighting, salvage, oil pollution, hose handling, and anchor handling operations.
Contact us for any size of ASD Tugs you may require for your project.

Provision of Product (AGO/PMS) Tankers
AGO/PMS tankers are ships designed for bulk transportation of oil products such as premium motor spirit (PMS), diesel, and jet fuel. Product tankers are often classified by their size as well as their occupation.
The size classes range from inland or coastal tankers of a few thousand metric tons of deadweight (DWT) to the mammoth ultra large crude carriers (ULCCs) of 550,000 DWT.
Contact us for any size of Product Tanker you may require for your project.